Equine Touch is a very soft but penetrating technique that I use on horses with imbalance in mind or body. The gentle Equine Touch moves communicate with the body through the connective tissue, the communication system of the cells, the meridians and acupuncture points. While I perform Equine Touch the horse reacts in differents ways to express signs of pain: He might look at me, get a pained look in his eyes, flatten his ears back, move away from me, lift his hindleg to warn me or kick etc. During the Equine Touch session the horse needs to process the gentle Equine Touch moves. Just as the horse shows me signs of pain, the horse will show me reactions when pain, tensions and blockages are eased. He munches, nods his head, shakes his neck and head, can't keep his eyes open, yawns, gets a relaxed expression in his eyes, the body relaxes. The horse does not have to have a genuine problem to receive Equine Touch. They can also receive it for general well being and to prevent any damaging defects. Regardless of age, discipline, breed, or past problems all horses can benefit from Equine Touch.
"The movie about the horse Blackie" is a movie about a horse having severe trouble moving and starting to walk from standing point. When the other horse wanted him to move, he had to find his balance again and you feared that he would fall. You will see Blackies reactions before, under and after he receives Equine Touch and you will see how gentle but yet powerful Equine Touch is.
Regardless of what might be affecting the horse, I touch the entire horse from muzzle to tail with the gentle Equine Touch moves. My tools are simply my fingers. I cross over acupuncture points in a predetermined pattern which set of vibrations spread deeply to the cellular level and reminds the horse's body to return to its original balance. I use also my intuition and a sense of cohesion with the horse.
The horse gets very relaxed when receiving Equine Touch and one of the reactions might be that he starts to yawn. As long as he yawns or shows any other reaction I have to pause in my work. All these reactions - I have described the reactions in the first paragraph - indicate that the adjustments in the body are in progress and that the body is getting back to its original state without tensions and blockages.
This is a picture of an Icelandic horse with summer eczema almost all over the body. Here it is from under the stomach. The first picture is before Equine Touch was started and the second picture is after 3 sessions. After 5 sessions is was completely cleared up. It is during summer, and the owner consented on not to use blanket, unctions, special forage etc.
Please let the horse rest after treatment and preferably the next day as well. Before I visit the horse it must have been out on the field or have been ridden so as to be more relaxed.
When giving the horse Equine Touch, tensions and blockages are eased from session to session. This means that there might appear new issues at each session when an old issue is removed. Therefore it would be inappropriate for the horse to have only a single Equine Touch session, and you will most likely not notice any significant change in the horse's behavior. For the sake of the horse I therefore recommend booking of minimum 3 sessions.
Copyright - Lavoyante v/Lilian Jeppesen