Mediumship: Connecting with the Spirit World.

As a medium, I help connect the living with the Spirit World.

The spirits of those who’ve passed often wish to communicate, offering comfort and closure to the bereaved. I sense the presence of spirits and serve as a channel to facilitate communication between you and your departed loved ones.

Have you struggled to say goodbye to a loved one? Is grief robbing you of the joy in life?

Are you seeking information that may have been left unsaid during your loved ones time on earth? Do you have bad conscience about something? You can have many other reasons to wish to get into contact with a spirit. It is not only the bereaved that miss, the deceased loved one misses just as much, and it can be very frustrating for them not to be able to tell the bereaved that they still exist, just without the physical body.

Didn't you get to say goodbye?


Yes, you can. The dead person’s soul continues its life in the Spirit World.  If you want to get in touch with a Spirit you miss or would like to ask about something, I can help you to establish communication. However, you should be aware that it is the Spirit who assesses whether you are ready for the contact or not, and if you are not, then it can send another Spirit or none at all. It is rare that they do not show up, but you should know that I cannot guarantee a contact.

Normally, it takes some time before the Spirit appears, and until then you get a normal clairvoyance. I don't need to see photos, jewelry, or anything else to get in touch with the Spirit. The Spirit describes itself to let you know who it is. Once in a while they just say "I'm your grandmother". They describe themselves with appearance, manner, cause of death, a piece of jewelry that has a certain relation to you, temperament, posture etc.

It can be emotionally hard to finally talk to someone you miss. When you as a bereaved have had a communication with a Spirit, a grief that may have affected you for many years can be resolved.


Afdødekontakt og clairvoyance ved clairvoyant og hestehvisker Lilian  Jeppesen, Gesten, Vejen

When we die, our soul lives on. It is only the physical body that dies. I can help you connect with this soul, also called Spirit, and give you messages from the Spirit you miss.

When we have said goodbye to physical life and have left our bodies behind, life as a soul continues in the Spirit World.  From here, the Spirits can contact the individuals in the physical world. The Spirits also miss those they have lost. They want to tell you that they still exist - just in a different form. They try to draw attention to themselves in different ways, because most people cannot see Spirits.


Don't worry - you're not going crazy. A Spirit tries to get your attention.

Just as you may have different reasons for wanting contact with a departed, the departed may also have it. They may miss you, want to apologize for something, want to help you with something in your everyday life that will make things easier for you, and they may simply just want to say hello and that they are doing well. Most people prefer that I come to their home to do a house cleansing, but it can also be done from a distance.

When I do a house cleansing, I walk around the different rooms in the house sensing if there is any Spirits. When I meet them, I ask them why they are in your home. When I have told you what I have just experienced, I ask the Spirit(s) to leave your home so that you have a peaceful home again.


If you do not have a specific wish to get in contact with a Spirit, perhaps you have been wondering why unexplained things happen in your home – you might even have been thinking that your home is haunted.

If your home is haunted you may experience some of these signs: Maybe you hear a whisper or an audible voice, see shadows, hear footsteps, feel watched, find it uncomfortable to be in a room, get chills even though it's hot, see the light is flashing or that the TV is turned on/off/turned up and down in volume, you dream of a departed, smell a perfume/cigarettes/ cigars that the departed used, see your dog staring rigidly into the room and maybe barking, you see things moving on their own and maybe rolling along the table or floor, the doorknob moves, the key is turned, etc.
